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Depilatory Methods for Diabetics
24.03.2018Waxing for people with diabetes can be tricky. This is mainly because diabetics have sensitive skin and are usually prone to injury and infection, which requires them to be more careful with the waxing method they choose. Below you will ...
How to wax an area with a mole or wart
24.03.2018Skin papillomas, known as "warts" as well as moles make their appearance regardless of gender and age. Commonly found around the underarm, below the chest, on the back and neck. But what if we want to remove hair in a specific area ...
(GR) Η Παραγωγή των Αποτριχωτικών KARAVER, με 100% Φυσικό κερί μέλισσας
03.08.2015Sorry, this entry is only available in GR, RO, FR and IT.
(GR) Πως να κάνεις το μανικιούρ σου να κρατήσει περισσότερο!!
07.05.2015Sorry, this entry is only available in GR, FR and IT.
(GR) 10 Χρυσοί κανόνες που κάθε κορίτσι θα πρέπει να γνωρίζει!
24.04.2015Sorry, this entry is only available in GR.
(GR) Πώς να χάσετε 2,5 κιλά σε μόνο 2 μέρες!
22.04.2015Sorry, this entry is only available in GR.